
Interesting Books

Book cover of "We have no idea"

We Have No Idea

By Jorge Cham &

Daniel Whiteson

This remarkable book describes how little we know about the cosmos we live in. You may be surprised to learn that what we see and interact with the stuff in the universe are only 5%. And we have absolutely no knowledge about the rest (95%) of the stuff.


A well written book on serious topics (such as space, time, matter, antimatter, mass, energy, gravity, Big Bang, speed of light, and many more) with a wonderful sense of humor and wit.


We strongly encourage you to read this interesting book.


Black Holes

By J-P Luminet

The author Dr. Jean-Pierre Luminet is a French specialist in black holes.


Black holes are the most fascinating subject of modern astronomy.
Though black holes were predicted as a consequence of General Theory of Relativity, even Einstein refused to accept the possibility of their existence. Black holes have such bizarre properties.


The author takes us through spacetime, the evolution of stars, how supernovae occur, and how black holes form. A wonderful read on black holes for a curious mind. Lots to learn from this book.


Big Bang

By Simon Singh

Simon Singh is a well known author, journalist, and a TV producer. He is one of our favorite authors. It provides a complete picture of all the events and developments that led to the big bang theory.


Simon Singh’s other interesting books are Fermat’s Enigma and The Code Book.


Empire of the Stars

By Arthur I. Miller

This book narrates the incredible journey of the famous astrophysicist Chandrasekhar S, right from being a brilliant young (Physics) student from India to becoming a famous astrophysicist in the world.


His ground breaking discovery on white dwarf and the prediction of blackhole met with rejection by an established authority of astrophysics.


His theory was ultimately found to be correct and the recognition came late in his life in the form of Nobel Prize and what he discovered is now known as Chandra limit.



By Walter Isaacson

There are many books on Einstein. This book by Walter Isaacson is one of the best books written on Albert Einstein.


Isaacson beautifully presents Einstein’s life and his great contributions to physics. If you would like to read on Einstein, you should read this book first.


Great Physicists

By William H. Cropper

A beautiful compilation on great physicists – right from Galileo Galilei to Stephen Hawking.


The author documents and explains these great men’s lives, their amazing discoveries and their contributions to physics.


Faraday and Maxwell

By Nancy Forbes

and Basil Mahon

Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell, the two genius scientists, are the ones who unified electricity, magnetism and light.


Nancy Forbes and Basil Mahon gives a wonderful account of these two men’s lives, their contributions, and how their collaboration changed the world.



By Manjit Kumar

A full account of the great debate on the nature of reality between Albert Einstein and others. The discussions, especially between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein, are fascinating to read.


A must read book for modern physics students.



By Charles Seife

After reading this book, you will be surprised to know that a seemingly harmless and simple number, zero, has so much history and so much impact on our understanding of nature. 


If you think, infinity is hard to imagine, then zero (nothingness) is much harder.


If you would like to know how the idea of zero started, where it started, and why it is so mysterious, we recommend reading this book. 


Dr. Deming

By Rafael Aguayo

Though this book deals with management, we feel that every scientist or an engineer, who is concerned about the quality of work or a quality product, should read this book.


Do you remember the infamous corporate events such as Boeing 737 MAX accidents, VW diesel car software manipulation, and Wells Fargo’s fake accounts opening?


Why do such events happen in the first place? What are the best ways to stop these from happening again? Dr. Deming has answers.


Beautifully written book By Rafael Aguayo on Dr. Deming’s teachings on quality.


The Origins of Life

By Maynard Smith

and Eors Szathmary