
Why heat flows from hot to cold?

Why Heat Flows From Hot To Cold Side? Overview Why does heat energy spontaneously flow from the hot side to the cold side? Why does it never spontaneously flow in the reverse direction?   For instance, when you drop ice cubes in a glass of water, at room temperature, ice cubes start melting as heat… Continue reading Why heat flows from hot to cold?

What Is Heat?

What Is Heat? Overview For centuries, one of the big questions that remained unresolved in physics was the simple question: what is heat? Physicists could not fully explain what gives rise to heat energy. Also, they could not understand why heat flows from hot to cold spontaneously but never does in the reverse direction.  … Continue reading What Is Heat?

Are We Alone

Are We Alone In the Universe? Picture credit: Watch video which provides the summary of this post. “Eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.” Blaise Pascal, French philosopher and mathematician.   Overview One of the unsettled questions, in the scientific community as well as in the mind of every curious person, is: are… Continue reading Are We Alone

Why Not Eclipses Every Month

Why Eclipses Don’t Occur Every Month Watch this video which provides the summary of this post.  Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Eclipses As we know, lunar eclipses occur when the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon as the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon. This configuration occurs on a full moon day. And solar… Continue reading Why Not Eclipses Every Month

Moon Near Horizon

Moon Near Horizon Picture credit: Watch this video which provides summary of this post.  Overview On a full Moon Day, in the evening, we often enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the rising full Moon in the eastern sky. As it rises from the horizon, it appears so beautiful and big. However, after a while,… Continue reading Moon Near Horizon

Origin of the Moon

Origin of the Moon You can watch the summary of this post as video here. Overview Our planet Earth‘s natural satellite, the Moon, is our closest astronomical object. There are several theories to explain the origin of the Moon.   While the two terrestrial planets Mercury and Venus do not have any moon orbiting them, Mars… Continue reading Origin of the Moon

Origin of Gold

Origin of Gold and other Heavy Elements Click here to watch the summary of this post as video. Photo Credit:Zlaťá on Unsplash We know that the element gold (AU, atomic number: 79) is a precious, dense, yellow metal. We make jewelries from gold because of its amazing malleable and ductile properties.   Electronic industries too… Continue reading Origin of Gold

Crescent Moon Shape

Is the shape of the crescent Moon like a ‘C’ or inverted ‘C’? What factors determine the shape? Get answers to these questions and many more.

How we got that

This explains how we arrived at the equation that determines that the time taken by a freely falling object is independent of the mass.

Leaning Tower Experiment

Galileo’s legendary experiment from the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the 16th century to demonstrate the nature of falling objects.