Physics – Light
Here is an easy quiz on the topic of Optics(Physics). There are ten questions. The quiz is not timed.
Good luck.
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1. Like sound waves, light too requires a medium to propagate.
2 / 10
2. ²Albert Einstein was awarded the (1921) Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of:
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3. The light particle is known as:
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4. Visible spectrum consists of:
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5. Light acts like a wave in some experiments and as a particle in some other experiments. This is called the dual nature of light.
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6. Visible light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
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7. Infra red is part of electromagnetic spectrum:
8 / 10
8. Light takes about this much time to travel from our Moon to the Earth
9 / 10
9. The speed of light in vacuum is approximately:
10 / 10
10. Sunlight takes about this much time to reach the Earth from the Sun:
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