
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Overview Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, formulated by German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics. It posits a fundamental limit to the precision with which pairs of physical properties (of a quantum object), such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. Specifically, it asserts that the more… Continue reading Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

Wave-Particle Duality of Matter

Wave-Particle Duality Of Matter Illustration of Wave-Particle Duality of Matter Overview You may recall from the post ‘What exactly light is‘ that the quest to understand the nature of light eventually led to the discovery of wave-particle duality of light and also to a new field in physics: Quantum Mechanics.   Wave-particle duality of light… Continue reading Wave-Particle Duality of Matter

What Exactly Light Is?

What Exactly Light Is? Overview We know that light makes the world visible to us. Without light, we cannot see the world around us. But have you ever wondered what exactly light is?   In order to answer that question, physicists point out that light, according to quantum mechanics, is both a wave and a… Continue reading What Exactly Light Is?

What causes tides in Ocean

What Causes Tides In Ocean Overview We often hear weather man, on the TV, talking about the timings of high tide and low tide at a particular shoreline. Have you ever wondered what a tide is? What is the difference between a tide and a wave? What causes tides? And what produces waves in oceans?… Continue reading What causes tides in Ocean

Understanding the Doppler Effect And its Applications

Understanding The Doppler Effect And its Applications Doppler Effect We experience Doppler effect every day. However, we may not realize that what we experience is because of Doppler effect.   Often, we notice that when  an emergency vehicle, with a blaring siren, approaches us the loudness and the pitch of the sound keep increasing. The… Continue reading Understanding the Doppler Effect And its Applications

Understanding the Raman Effect: Scattering of Light Explained

Understanding The Raman Effect Scattering of light Explained The Raman Effect The Raman effect, also known as the Raman scattering, is a light scattering that provides remarkable details of the substance that scatters the light. The spectrum that we see as a result of the Raman scattering is a unique fingerprint of that substance. Sir… Continue reading Understanding the Raman Effect: Scattering of Light Explained

Why heat flows from hot to cold?

Why Heat Flows From Hot To Cold Side? Overview Why does heat energy spontaneously flow from the hot side to the cold side? Why does it never spontaneously flow in the reverse direction?   For instance, when you drop ice cubes in a glass of water, at room temperature, ice cubes start melting as heat… Continue reading Why heat flows from hot to cold?

What Is Heat?

What Is Heat? Overview For centuries, one of the big questions that remained unresolved in physics was the simple question: what is heat? Physicists could not fully explain what gives rise to heat energy. Also, they could not understand why heat flows from hot to cold spontaneously but never does in the reverse direction.  … Continue reading What Is Heat?

Ludwig Boltzmann

Ludwig Boltzmann and His Discoveries Austrian physicist (1844 – 1906) Overview Ludwig Boltzmann was an Austrian theoretical physicists of 19th century who made remarkable contributions in the fields of kinetic theory, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. He was one of the great pioneers who helped us understand what heat really was. He  showed us the importance… Continue reading Ludwig Boltzmann

Capillary Action

Capillary Action Over View After watching the above video, you may wonder why coffee slowly creeps up in the paper towel, that too against gravity. What phenomenon is responsible for this? The short answer is it is the capillary action. Other names for this phenomenon are capillary motion or wicking.   Let us understand… Continue reading Capillary Action