
Asteroid Belt

Asteroids are pulverized remnants of building blocks of a planet that failed to form. Asteroid-belt is between the orbits of Mars & Jupiter.

Planet Jupiter

Jupiter, largest of all the planets in our solar system, is composed of hydrogen and helium, and most of it is in the form of liquid hydrogen.

Planet Saturn

Saturn, the sixth planet, is the second largest planet. It is a gas giant, and mostly composed of hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter.

Planet Uranus

Uranus is an ice giant, and is the third largest in the solar system. Twenty-seven small moons and thirteen faint rings orbit Uranus.

Planet Neptune

Neptune, an ice giant, is the farthest planet in the solar system. It was discovered in 1846. Neptune is not visible to the naked eye.

Dwarf Pluto

Pluto was discovered in 1930 and was considered the 9th planet of the solar system. However, in 2006 it was classified as a dwarf planet.

Planet Mercury

Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, is the smallest planet in our solar system. It is only slightly larger than our Earth’s moon.

Solar System

The Solar system consists of the Sun, eight planets, their moons, and other objects like dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, and Kuiper belt..

Understanding the Physics behind Double Rainbows

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Understanding the Physics Behind Rainbows: A Complete Explanation

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